// by Анастасия// Оставьте комментарий
Чтобы получить максимальный бал по эссе, важно понимать и соблюдать не только структуру написания сочинения в английском языке, избегая грубых ошибок. Но следует обладать четкой стратегией, как весомо улучшить сочинение, правильно применив сложную грамматику, синтаксис, лексику и пунктуацию.
1.1. Present Perfect
To begin with, many people have become disinterested in the amount of pollution that their vehicles create
1.2. Present Continuous
Without a doubt, people are living longer these days than ever before.
1.3. Passive Present Perfect
They have been completely untouched by the technological developments of the developed world.
1.4. Conditionals
If I had taken the time to compare what I had read online to a book or a scholarly article I would not have included it, and would not have received such a terrible score in the class.
1.5. Past Perfect
Likewise, when his small firm merged with another firm just before that company rose to prominence some called him lucky. However, my uncle had spent weeks interviewing the research and development team at that company and predicted their success based on what they told him.
1.6. Past Continuous
During my sophomore year, I had to complete a major assignment in a political science class I was taking.
1.7. Comparisons
a lot of students – many students
a lot of time – much time
very hard – difficult
very interesting – fascinating
very honest – straightforward
very poor – destitute
very rich – prosperous
a little/big – large
Уроки английского языка проводятся преподавателем Анастасией Валяевой. Все учебники, аудио и видео материал предоставляются. Информацию о процессе обучения можно прочитать в ответах на вопросы или связаться с преподавателем Анастасией Валяевой.
He gave assistance – He assisted
made an object – objected
get – obtain, gain, receive
do – conduct, complete, execute, perform, commit, carry out
There are many issues that … – Students face many issues….
There are many development projects that the government supports… – The government supports many development projects…
The option to start work straight after school is … .
Academic qualifications are required … .
Many of the most risky sports, like base jumping or big wave surfing, are … .
Сложноподчиненные предложения – Complex Sentences: Adjective clauses, Adverbs clauses, Noun clauses, Cleft Sentence.
Сложносочиненные предложения – Compound Sentences.
Сложносочиненное предложение
In our globalised world, young adults can expect to come into contact with people from a huge variety of backgrounds, and it is more important than ever to treat others with respect.
Сложноподчиненное предложение
If governments did help with these costs, they would see an increase in employment in the film industry, income from film sales, and perhaps even a rise in tourist numbers.
Вставные предложения являются существенной составляющей академического письма. Поэтому, чтоб получить высокий бал на IELTS Essay (8,9 баллов) нужно использовать данный тип предложения.
Other characteristics that are perhaps seen as traditional are politeness and good manners.
The main problem for anyone who hopes to migrate to a large city is that the cost of living is likely to be much higher than it is in a small town or village.
People these days seem to be really into endurance sports like long-distance running, which are incredibly beneficial for our health.
Sleeping nourishes your brain cells.
Unable to find a job, the former prisoners return to a life of crime.
The company has opened a new factory, creating many new jobs.
9.1. Causative
The teacher made all the students rewrite their papers because the first drafts were not acceptable.
9.2. Subjunctive
It is important that they be aware of their rights.
9.3. Inversion
Had he not watched so many terrible movies, he would not be in such a desperate situation today.
Had he not been confident of their potential, he would not have completed the merger.
I partly agree with this assertion; while it may be true in the case of some societies, others seem to be unaffected by technology and the modern world.
In the first place, we should all be free to decide how we spend our leisure time; as long as we understand the risks, I do not believe that politicians should stop us from enjoying ourselves. However, an even stronger argument against such a ban would be the difficulty of enforcing it.
Важно МАКСИМАЛЬНО показывая взаимосвязь между идеями, подчеркивая последовательности.
On the one hand, the advances in technology that have driven industrialisation in developed countries have certainly contributed to the disappearance of traditional ways of life. For example, in pre-industrial Britain, generations of families grew up in the same small village communities.
Уроки английского языка проводятся преподавателем Анастасией Валяевой. Все учебники, аудио и видео материал предоставляются. Информацию о процессе обучения можно прочитать в ответах на вопросы или связаться с преподавателем Анастасией Валяевой.
Удачи в изучении английского языка!