Синонимы like/dislike/undecided
Полезные фразы и выражения для экзаменов FCE CAE IELTS TOEFL
Такие экзамены как FCE, CAE – это уровень Upper-Intermediate, Advanced, ситуация такая же касательно экзаменов IELTS TOEFL, если необходимо сдать на высокий бал.
Сертификат такого уровня просто так не дается. Важно показать соответствующую лексику, и, как следствие, избавится от Basic English Vocabulary.
Довольно легко снизить свой бал, используя слово like/dislike.
Существует опасность, пройдя тяжелую дорогу, вложив титанический труд, подскользнуться на банальных вещах.
В конце статьи видео с синонимами слов like/dislke. Очень полезно послушать, почувствовать интонацию, скопировать фразовое ударение, прокачать данные фразы на слух.
Синонимы слова LIKE
1. Enjoy
actually enjoy
particularly enjoy
quite enjoy
rather enjoy
really enjoy
thoroughly enjoy
What I really enjoy is
2. My favorite … is
My absolute favorite … is
3. It makes me feel good
4. to be keen on
to be quite keen on
to be rather keen on
to be really keen on
to be extremely keen on
to be particularly keen on
5. to be a fan of
to be a devoted fan of
to be an obsessed fan of
to be a huge fan of
to be a great fan of
to be an avid fan of
to be a lifelong fan of
to be a longtime fan of
6. to be into smth
to be quite into smth
to be heavily into smth
7. be interested in
be increasingly interested in
be deeply interested in
be especially interested in
be keenly interested in
be equally interested in
be intensely interested in
be highly interested in
be specially interested in
be primarily interested in
be potentially interested in
8. to be quite fond of
to be rather fond of
to be really fond of
to be extremely fond of
to be particularly fond of
to be passionately fond
to be increasingly fond
to be genuinely fond
9. be crazy about
be absolutely crazy about
be totally crazy about
10. be passionate about
be absolutely passionate about
be extremely passionate about
be especially passionate
be particularly passionate
be equally passionate
be intensely passionate
11. to adore
to absolutely adore
to forever adore
12. I’m addicted to (coffee).
13. I can’t live without it
14. I can’t get enough of it
Синонимы слова DISLIKE
1. not to be keen on
I’m not massively keen on that.
I’m not keen on
I’m not really keen on
I’m not that keen on
2. I’m not so fond of
I’m not really fond of
I’m not that fond of
I’m not particularly fond of
3. I’m not much of a fan
4. It’s not my cup of tea (данная идиома используется только в отрицательном значении).
5. It’s a matter of taste.
6. It’s not my thing.
It’s not exactly my thing.
7. I can’t stand it.
I can’t bear it.
I can’t really bear it.
I can’t just stand it.
8. I detest.
I absolutely detest it.
I despise it.
I absolutely despise it.
9. it drives me crazy.
10. I’m tired of …
11. I’m sick of…
12. I hate
I really hate
I truly hate
I absolutely hate
I actually hate
I totally hate
13. I loathe
I thoroughly loathe
Синонимы слова UNDECIDED
Talking about things you don’t have a strong opinion about
1. It’s okay.
2. I don’t mind…
3. I don’t have strong opinion about…
4. I have mixed feeling about this…
5. I don’t really have any strong feelings about it.
6. …OK
7. It’s all the same to me.
8. I don’t really care either way.
Итак, в данной статье приведен список, как по-другому сказать, заменить слова like, dislike, hate, undecided.
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