50 тем с вопросами для IELTS Speaking Part 2
IELTS Speaking Part 2 считается одной из самых сложных в части говорения, немного времени на подготовку, нужно успеть ответить на все пункты и нельзя поменять тему.
Важно осознать серьезность подготовки и «ринутся в бой».
Как готовиться к IELTS Speaking Part 2, делать заметки, правильно структурировать ответ, чтоб получить высокий бал, можно прочитать в статье IELTS SPEAKING PART 2 TIPS AND STRATEGIES.
Темы все время дополняются.
50 Тем по IELTS Speaking Part 2
1. Hobby
2. Internet
3. Places
4. Family
5. Neighbours
6. Gift
7. Shopping
8. Eating and food
9. Travelling
10. Communication and advice
11. Kindness
12. School
13. Animals
14. Plants Flowers
15. Language
16. Daily Routine
17. Unexpected
18. News
19. Adventure
20. Event
21. Newspapers
22. Respect
23. Sport
24. Photographs
25. Art
26. Water
27. Book
28. Music
29. Old people
30. Job
31. You own
32. Museum
33. Invention
34. Movie film
35. Exhibition Gallery
36. Game
37. History
38. Friend
39. Accident
40. Decision
41. Famous person
42. Weather
43. Healthy lifestyle
44. Theatre
45. Festival
46. Household appliance
47. Nation
48. Picnic
49. Product
50. Difficult things
Вопросы по IELTS Speaking Part 2
1. Hobby
Describe an interest or hobby that you particularly enjoy.
You should say:
what is it
how long have you been doing it
who you do it with
and explain why this is important to you.
2. Internet
2.1 Talk about the most important benefit of the internet.
You should say:
what it is
why you prefer it
how students can take advantage of it
and explain what is the importance of it in your country.
2.2 Describe a website that you often use.
You should say:
what type of website it is
how you found out about it
what it allows you to do
why you find it useful.
3. Places
3.1 Describe a beautiful place to visit in your country.
You should say:
where it is
how to get there
what there is to do when you are there
and explain why you recommend this place.
3.2 Describe a village or urban area you have visited.
You should say:
where it is
when and how you went there
who live there
And explain what you liked/disliked about this village or urban area.
3.3 Describe an enjoyable day you spent in the countryside.
You should say:
when and where you went
who you went with
what you did there
and explain why you think it was enjoyable.
3.4 Describe your favourite city.
You should say:
what is the name and where is it
when you visited it.
why did you like it
what are the attractive places of this city
and explain what influence did the city have on you.
3.5 Describe a foreign country you have never been to.
You should say:
where the country is
when you will go there
why you would like to go there
and explain why this is a good country to visit.
4. Family
4.1 Describe the person in your family who you most admire.
You should say:
what their relationship is to you
what they have done in their life
what they do now
and explain why you admire them so much.
4.2 Describe one of your childhood memories.
You should say:
what it is
when it happened
how it affected you in your life
and explain why you still remember it.
4.3 Describe a family celebration that you remember.
You should say
what you were celebrating
who was present
what you and your family did to make the celebration special
and why you enjoyed the occasion.
4.4 Tell a childhood story you heard when you were a child.
You should say:
who told you the story
what was the story
why you liked it
and explain why you remember this story.
4.5 Describe a relative whom you like.
You should say:
who the relative is and how close you are to him/ her
What makes you like him /her
what do you do together
and describe why this person is close to you.
5. Neighbours
5.1 Describe one of your neighbours.
You Should Say:
when you two become neighbours
how often you meet him/her
state whether your neighbour is a good person
and explain why you like/ dislike this neighbour.
5.2 Describe an interesting neighbour.
You should say:
who this person is
how you know this person
what this person likes to do
and explain why you think this neighbor is interesting.
6. Gift
Describe the best gift/ present you have received.
You should say:
what the gift was
who gave it to you
when you received it
and explain why it was the best gift/ present you have ever received.
7. Shopping
7.1 Describe your favorite shop.
You should say:
where it is
what things it sells
what sort of people are its customers
and explain why you like the shop so much.
7.2 Describe an open-air or street market which you enjoyed visiting.
You should say:
where the market is
what the market sells
how big the market is
and explain why you enjoyed visiting this market.
7.3 Describe a shopping center you often go to.
You should say:
where the shopping center is
how often you go there
what it looks like
and explain why you often go to this shopping center.
8. Eating and food
8.1 Talk about your favourite food.
You should say:
what the food is
how it is made
why you like it
and explain why it is your favourite food.
8.2 Describe a special occasion when you had a really enjoyable meal.
You should say:
what the occasion was
who was at the meal
what you ate
and explain why the meal was so enjoyable.
8.3 Talk about a dish you know how to cook.
You should say:
what ingredients are required to cook it
where you learned it from
how you cook this dish
and tell if this is an easy dish to cook or not.
8.4 Describe someone you know who is a good cook.
You should say:
who this person is
how you know him or her
what kinds of food he/she cooks
and explain why this person is good at cooking.
8.5 Describe a traditional meal that you prepare in your country on special occasions.
You should say:
when you eat that meal
how you prepare it
what ingredients are used to prepare it
and explain why you enjoy it.
9. Travelling
9.1 Describe a memorable journey you have made.
You should say:
where you were going
how you were travelling
why you were making the journey
and explain what made the journey so memorable.
9.2 Describe a journey that you remember well.
You should say:
where you went
how you travelled
why you went on the journey
and explain why you remember this journey well.
9.3 Describe a vocation you think is useful to society.
You should say:
what it is
what it involves
what kind of people usually do this work
and explain why you think it is useful to society.
9.4 Describe your idea of a perfect vacation.
You should say:
Where would it be?
Whom would you go there with?
What would you do there?
And explain why it would be a perfect vacation.
9.5 Describe a study tour or excursion you had.
You should say:
when it was
when you went
how you reached there
and explain why you enjoyed it.
9.6 Describe a hotel you have stayed in.
You should say:
where the hotel is
why you stayed at that particular hotel
give details description of the hotel and the view from it
and explain what makes the hotel special.
10. Communication and advice
10.1 Describe a situation where you had to communicate in a foreign language for the first time.
You should say:
When and where did it happen?
What was the situation?
How did it make you feel?
10.2 Describe some advice you received (from your friend or family member) which was useful to you.
You should say:
what the situation was
who gave you the advice
what the advice was
and explain how useful you think the advice was.
10.3 Describe a time when you were asked to give your opinion in a questionnaire or survey.
You should say:
what the questionnaire/survey was about
why you were asked to give your opinions
what opinions you gave
and explain how you felt about giving your opinions in this questionnaire/ survey.
11. Kindness
Describe something kind that someone did for you.
You should say:
who this person was
where and when it happened
what’s/he did for you
and explain how you felt about it.
12. School
12.1 Describe a school which you went to.
You should say:
when you went there
how many people studied there
how long you spent there
and explain what you liked and disliked about it.
12.2 Talk about a subject you are studying
What subject are you studying?
What is the subject about?
How do you feel about it?
Explain why you are interested in it.
12.2 Describe your study room.
You should say:
how it looks like
how much time you spend in this room
how an ideal study room should be
and give details of your study room.
12.3 Describe a stressful day at school/ university/ work.
You should say:
how the day started
how things went wrong
who the people involved were
and explain why it was stressful.
13. Animals
13.1 Describe a wild animal.
You should say:
what the animal is
what it looks like
where it lives
and explain how you feel about this animal.
13.2 Describe your favourite animal.
You should say:
what kind of animal it is
describe it briefly
why you like the animal
and describe why it is your favourite animal.
13.3 Describe a time when you saw an interesting animal.
You should say:
what animal it was
where you saw it
what happened when you saw it
and explain why you thought it was interesting.
13.4 Talk about a pet that you or someone you know once had.
You should say:
what kind of animal it was
what kind of care it needed
what you liked/ disliked about it
and explain why this is a popular type of pet.
14. Plants and flowers
14.1 Describe a plant grown in your country.
You should say:
what the plant is
where it is grown
why you like or dislike it
and explain why it is important to your country.
14.2 Describe a plant, flower or tree that is famous or important in your country.
You should say:
what type of plant, flower or tree it is
where it grows or is usually seen
how it is used in your country
and why it is famous or important.
14.3 Describe a plant, vegetable or crop that you are familiar with.
You should say:
where it grows
why is it important
what do you like or dislike about it
and explain why this is important for your country.
14.4 Describe a plant, flower or tree that you like.
You should say:
what type of plant, flower or tree it is
where it grows or is usually seen
when you first saw it
and why you like it.
15. Language
Describe a language you would like to learn.
You should say:
what it is and how you plan to learn it
where it is spoken
how it will help you
and explain why you want to learn this language.
16. Daily Routine
Describe one of your daily life.
You should say:
how do you start your day
how long have you been following this routine
your favourite time and activity of the day
and explain what do you do in a typical day of your life.
17. Unexpected
Describe a surprise that made you happy.
You should say:
what it was
where it happened
when it happened
and explain why the surprise made you happy.
18. News
18.1 A news story
Describe some interesting news that you have recently read about or heard about.
You should say:
what the story was
who was involved in the story
where you read or heard about this story
and explain why this news story was interesting to you.
18.2 Describe a piece of local news that was interesting to you.
You should say:
what it was about
when you heard/ read about it
what the story was
and explain why it was interesting to you.
19. Adventure
19.1 Describe an exciting experience in your life.
You should say:
when the experience took place
where the experience took place
what happened exactly
and explain why the experience was so exciting.
19.2 Describe a life changing experience.
You should say:
where it took place & who was with you
what happened
how it made you feel
and explain how it changed your life.
20. Event
20.1 Describe a recent event that made you happy.
You should say:
when and where it was
who was involved
what happened
and explain why it made you happy.
20.2 Describe a memorable event of your life.
You should say:
what it is
what happened
where you were
and explain why this is a memorable event.
20.3 Describe a special occasion in your life.
You should say:
where this occasion took place
when it occurred
who was there
and explain how you felt on this special occasion.
20.4 Describe an occasion or event when you were congratulated.
You should say:
what was the occasion
when was it
who congratulated you and why
and explain how did this make you feel.
21. Newspapers
Describe a newspaper or magazine you enjoy reading.
You should say:
what kind of newspaper or magazine it is, e.g. fashion
how often you buy it
what articles and information it contains
and explain why you enjoy reading it.
22. Respect
Describe a leader or politician who you admire.
You should say:
who is s/ he?
what is so appealing about him?
what type of leader is he/ she
and explain why do you admire him /her.
23. Sport
23.1 Describe an exciting competition or sporting event you have witnessed.
You should say:
what the competition or sporting event was
when and where it took place
who won
and explain why it was exciting.
23.2 Describe a type of exercise you know.
You should say:
what it is
how it is done
when you first tried it
what kind of people it is suitable for
and explain why you think it is a good exercise.
23.3 Talk about a form of exercise you used to do but no longer do now.
You should say:
what sort of exercise it was
how long you did it
why you stopped
And say if you would like to do it again or not. Why?
24. Photographs
24.1 Describe one of your favourite photographs.
You should say:
when the photograph was taken
what it looks like
what significant memory you have regarding this photograph
and explain why it is one of your favourite photographs.
24.2 Describe a photograph that you remember.
You should say:
when it was taken
who took it
what is in the photograph
and explain why you remember this photograph.
25. Art
25.1 Describe a piece of art (a painting, drawing, sculpture or decorative object) that you like.
You should say
what the piece of art is
where and when you saw it
what it looks like or what it shows
and explain why you like this piece of art.
25.2 Describe an object you find particularly beautiful (e.g. a painting, sculpture, piece of jewellery/furniture, etc.).
You should say:
where the artwork/object is
how it was made
what it shows/looks like
and explain why you find it particularly beautiful.
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