Синонимы для английских международных экзаменов IELTS TOEFL FCE CAE CPE
Подготовка к английским международным экзаменам IELTS TOEFL FCE CAE CPE может быть разной, и зависит от того бала, на который студент целится.
Чтобы сдать на ВЫСОКИЙ БАЛ по IELTS TOEFL CAE CPE, очень важно показать свой лексический багаж, синонимическое разнообразие, использовать high-level vocabulary, т.е. академические слова (Academic Vocabulary), идиомы уровня Advanced (Idioms), словосочетания уровня Advanced (Collocations).
Само по себе изучения лексики уровня Advanced (а также, Proficiency), представляет собой самую сложную часть в подготовке к экзаменам, требующее наибольших усилий.
Поэтому, первый совет – ЧИТАЙТЕ НАУЧНЫЕ СТАТЬИ!
Записывайте, интересные синонимы словам более низкого ранга. В научных статьях вы найдете часто встречающиеся синонимы по части reading IELTS, TOEFL, CAE, CPE.
Следующий совет… Исследуйте значение синонимов в оксфордских и кембриджских словарях, например, https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/.
При подготовке к части «говорение» speaking английских международных экзаменов, старайтесь вкрапливать high-level vocabulary в свою речь, проверяя на сочетаемость на таких ресурсах как британский или американский корпус https://corpus.byu.edu/bnc/, https://corpus.byu.edu/coca/.
Тоже самое нужно делать и при подготовке к письменной (writing) части экзаменов.
Ниже приведен алфавитный список, в большинстве своем именно академических, синонимов для английских международных экзаменов IELTS, TOEFL, CAE, CPE.
Синонимы слов для английских международных
Advanced – leading, progressive, state-of-the-art, breakthrough, cutting-edge
Amazing – incredible, fantastic, fabulous, astonishing, extraordinary
Answer – respond, comment, explanation, feedback, interpretation, justification, key, observation, remark, resolution, response, statement, sign, solution, clarify, deal with, claim, argue, defend, plead, resolve, deny
Awful – terrible, abominable, dreadful, horrible, repulsive, despicable, atrocious
Act – create, develop, enforce, execute, operate, pursue, respond, undertake
Bad – evil, spoiled, imperfect, infamous, dismal, atrocious, awful, crummy, dreadful, lousy, rough, unacceptable, unhealthy, wrong, rotten, disastrous, harsh, painful, terrible, grim, unfavorable, unpleasant, unfortunate
Base – underpinnings, support, ground, foundation, groundwork
Be – pose, last
Beautiful – gorgeous, ravishing, dazzling, exquisite, stunning, appealing, alluring, charming, delicate, delightful, elegant, exquisite, fascinating, graceful, grand, magnificent, marvelous, splendid, superb
Begin – initiate, commence, inaugurate, introduce, launch, embark, undertake, establish
Best – first-rate, leading, outstanding, perfect
Big – huge, enormous, gigantic, humongous, substantial, mammoth, colossal, considerable, hefty, massive, sizable, tremendous, vast
Boring – dull, tiresome, mundane, humdrum, monotonous, stale, tame, tedious, trite, uninteresting
Break – rupture, fracture, shatter, smash, crack, crush, damage, fracture, separate, sever, split, tear
Buy – purchase, obtain, market, acquire, procure
Calm – serene, peace, tranquil, harmonious, placid, smooth, soothing
Come – approach, arrive, appear, enter, happen, materialize, occur, reach, attain, approach
Cold (Cool) – chilly, frosty, frigid
Condition – position, situation, plight, circumstances
Choice – alternative, option, preference, variety, vote, opportunity
Choose – elect, select, prefer, appoint, cast, designate, determine, embrace, favor, judge, prefer, single out
Cut – сhop, slash, slit, wound, carve, curtail, divide, diminish
Change (verb) – alter, develop, modify, reshape, transform, shift, adjust, evolve, reform, resolve, shape, vary, reverse, switch
Change (noun) – switch, turnaround, innovation, modification, revision, transformation. shift, variation, advance, adjustment
Clean – purge, disinfect, rinse
Continue – proceed, advance, endure, last, linger, progress, pursue, remain, sustain
Dangerous – hazardous, risky, precarious, alarming, fatal, threatening, unhealthy, unsafe, unstable
Decide – determine, settle, conclude, elect, resolve, select, vote
Decision – choice, determination, opinion, outcome, resolution, agreement, selection, settlement, verdict
Definite – certain, positive, obvious
Delicious – savory, titbit, delectable
Describe – portray, characterize
Destroy – demolish, slay, ruin, raze
Difference – disagreement, inequity, dissimilarity
Difficult – challenging, daunting, taxing, tough, tricky
Dull – boring, uninteresting, monotonous, humdrum, dreary
Easy – straightforward, effortless, uncomplicated
Eat (get food) – forage, rummage
End – terminate, conclude, cessation, edge, deadline, term, point
Explain – elaborate, interpret
Essential – crucial, critical, vital, integral, indispensable
Excellent – magnificent, phenomenal, top-notch, world-class, outstanding
Effective – compelling, competent, efficient, forceful, impressive, potent, powerful, sufficient, valid
Event – accident, act, action, business, case, episode, experience, fact, incident, matter, occasion, situation
Evident – notable, remarkable, memorable, noticeable, conspicuous
Fall – descend, topple, decline, plunge, recession, reduction
Famous – well-known, renowned, eminent, illustrious, noted
Fast – rapid, hasty, agile, brisk, accelerated, active,
Fat – stout, corpulent, chubby, bulky, obese, hefty
Funny – amusing, humorous, droll
Free – disengaged, complimentary, independent, unrestricted, unfettered
Fight – Combat, battle, resist, oppose, repel, withstand
Get – acquire, obtain, secure, procure, gather, gain
Get rid of – eliminate, dispose of, exterminate
Good – excellent, wonderful, superior, gracious, superb, splendid, genuine, sterling, top-notch, perfect, marvelous, satisfying, exceptional, acceptable
Great – worthy, distinguished, grand, considerable, mighty, enormous, extreme, huge, immense, tremendous, vast
Go – be under way, progress, operate, continue, function, extend, range, reach, develop, proceed, serve, endure
Go back to – renege, reverse, default
Happy – cheerful, contended, ecstatic, jubilant, pleased, delighted, elated, joyful, ecstatic, jubilant, jaunty
Hate – despise, loathe, abhor, abominate
Have – possess, own, acquire, accept, admit, gain, obtain, receive, retain
Help – aid, assist, support, encourage, relieve, maintain, bolster
Hide – conceal, cover, mask, veil
High – great, huge, immense, lofty, soaring, steep, tremendous, excessive, stiff, boisterous, bouncy, elated, exalted
Huge – colossal, gigantic, astronomical, immense, gargantuan
Idea – thought, concept, notion, cues, suggestion, hint, clue, conclusion, interpretation, meaning, opinion, solution, theory, understanding, view
Important – necessary, vital, critical, indispensable, valuable, essential, famous, notable
Interesting – fascinating, engaging, spirited, intriguing, gripping, enthralling, captivating, enchanting, intriguing
Illness – ailment, breakdown, disability, disorder, malady, realm
Irrelevant – inconsequential, useless, meaningless, trivial, insignificant
Influential – authoritative, dominant, persuasive, prominent, significant
Keep – retain, conduct, preserve
Little – tiny, diminutive, exiguous, dinky, cramped
Look – gaze, glance, peek, glimpse, stare, leer
Look into – investigate, delve into, explore, inquire, inspect, probe, sift, prospect, scrutinize
Love – admire, fancy, adore, cherish, treasure, esteem, idolize, venerate
Lucky – fortunate
Like – be interested in, be addicted, be accustomed, be attached, be devoted, be inclined, be obsessed, completely devoted to, captivated, preoccupied
Make – create, originate, invent, construct, manufacture, produce, compose, cause, force, conduct, establish, form, perform, prepare, reach, advance, attain
Many – copious, abundant, numerous, ample, bountiful
Move – act, advance, migrate, plod, creep, crawl, drag, toddle, shuffle, trot, lumber, meander, progress, propel, push, relocate, remove, shift, switch, transfer
Neat – orderly, tidy, trim, natty, smart, elegant
New – unique, modern, current, recent, contemporary, up-to-date, novel fresh
Old – feeble, ancient, aged, veteran, mature, primitive, stale, outdated, antiquated, obsolete, archaic, old-fashioned
Place – draw, map, diagram, procedure, method, blueprint
Promise – commitments, guarantee, pledge, responsibility
Rare – sparse, infrequent, meagre
Really – considerably, substantially, essentially, extensively
Responsibility – burden, duty, liability, obligation
Show – display, exhibit, indicate, reveal, demonstrate, perform
Swap – exchange
Strong – powerful, potent, firm, intense, solid, rampant
Solve – clarify, determine, settle
Solvation – deliverance, redemption
So – hence, thus
Surprise – overwhelm, amaze, astound, confound, confuse, dazzle, disconcert, dismay, dumbfound, perplex, startle, unsettle
The same – ditto, equal, equivalent, look-alike
Talented – accomplished, adept, brilliant, capable, intelligent, proficient, skilled
Tell – disclose, reveal, expose, narrate, inform, divulge
Try – attempt
Talk – converse, chat, commune
Think – meditate, consider, determine, judge, assume, speculate, contemplate, hypothesize, ruminate, surmise, weigh, wonder, reflect, suspect
Use – employ, exhaust, apply, handle, exploit, operate, practice, wield
Uncertain – doubtful, questionable, dubious, far-fetched, unproven
Unique – noteworthy, exclusive, particular, rare, uncommon, conspicuous
Very – absolutely, utterly, highly, deeply, certainly, eminently, exceedingly, excessively, extraordinarily, extremely, incredibly, noticeably, particularly, profoundly, profound, remarkably, uncommonly
Variant – alternative, option, possible choice
Wrong – incorrect, inaccurate, mistaken, erroneous, improper, unsuitable
Weak – frail, feeble, shaky, flimsy, fragile, anemic, sluggish, unsteady, weakened, wobbly, debilitating
Weaken – exacerbate, infuriate, provoke, intensify, irritate, annoy, aggravate, ebb, decay, abatement, degenerate, deteriorate, dwindle, recede, plummet, retreat
Weakness – fatigue, lethargy, weariness, flaw, failing, deficiency, fragility, lapse, shortcoming, vulnerability, suppress
Хочу заметить, что данная статья постепенно будет пополняться новыми синонимами, необходимыми для сдачи английских международных экзаменов IELTS TOEFL FCE CAE CPE на высокий бал.
Более подробную информацию о каждом синониме c примерами в предложениях можно найти в словаре Collins Thesaurus https://www.collinsdictionary.com/us/dictionary/english-thesaurus
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